This is a past event. Please, join us for Web Summer Camp this year.

SEO tips for Developers and Writers: make your Website Skyrocket!


In this session we'll talk about SEO in 2021, answer the question whether Developers are Serial Murderers of SEOs and why SEOs sometimes hate Developers.

We'll discuss the Google Core Web Vitals test that made a lot of SEOs and developers do more work this summer.

Barbara will show what happens when developers and SEOs work together: it makes your website skyrocket and your customers start flocking to you. Oh yeah, one more thing: content. SEO is not about technical stuff only, it's about content too.

We'll talk about content and why 91% of all content available on Google search is simply dead. Barbara has have been in the web industry for more than 20 years and worked with many people creating amazing websites that sell.

The session about SEO will be for wide array od people: business owners, devs, vendors, SEOs, content writers. Barbara will shae her vast experience with you in a language for everyone to understand.

Expect tips and tricks you can execute on immediately after listening to the session.


Barbara Slade Jagodić

Barbara Slade Jagodić

Founder of SEO agency SLADE

Digital communication specialist with 20 years experience in Copywriting, Content writing, Web Pages Development and Optimization. After working for corporations, media publishing companies and startups, Barbara started her own small digital communication agency. She is focused on SEO Content Marketing which helps boost sales through generating quality SEO leads and converting visitors to buyers.